2023 - 2024


Business Day Article
18 June 2024

The dust is settling. SA has a new parliament. Though many did not expect the results of the 2024 elections to create the kind of a government we have ended up with, we should be hopeful that the executive, in the different spheres and no matter which political parties it eventually includes, can get the economy back on track.


Business Day Article
18 January 2024

Over the decades, many have argued in support of the SA informal economy. Through travelling in Africa and Asia, as well as doing research, it has become clear to me that allowing the informal sector to thrive is essential.


City Press Article
1  Ocober 2023 

The BRICS euphoria has come and gone. Interest rates remain very high. The currency has not improved much. Load shedding continues unabated. Inflation is moderating, but the cost of living is not subsiding. It could help to reduce interest rates, even by 25 basis points.



Mail & Guardian Opinion Article
18-24 November 2022

I am fortunate that I occasionally run marathons, as grueling as they often are. The atmosphere, the support and the relief at the completion of 42 kilometers are among the things that make runners torture themselves as we do. Completing is the ultimate prize. It is the triumph of the human spirit. It is the test of endurance. It is proof of resilience. It is evidence of tenacity.


Mail & Guardian Opinion Article
02 November 2022

In the 2022 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, popularly known as mini budget, the Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana makes a point that “we are also committed to improving state capacity, project planning and preparation, procurement practices, and contract management”.


City Press Opinion Article
26 October 2022

The Zambia Qualifications Authority has confronted an issue that many countries avoid. The Authority has issued a directive that honorary degrees must be listed as awards and honours because honorary degrees are not qualifications. In addition, the Zambia Qualifications Authority has instructed that “h.c” (for honoris causa) must be appended next to the Dr (Doctor) title whenever a Dr is used, if it is an honorary doctorate.


Daily Maverick Opinion Article 23 June 2022

South African author Adrian Leftwich argued that “politics is at the heart of all collective social activity, formal and informal public and private, in all human groups, institutions and societies.” That said, there is no single definition of the term politics. We all should however see when politics is happening. An important debate continues, and it should. Former head of policy and government communications in the Thabo Mbeki presidency Joel Netshitenzhe added his voice, arguing that we are in a strategic moment, and we need a social compact. It might very well be that we are in a critical moment instead of a strategic moment. We are in a crunch time. In medical terms, South Africa as a patient is critical but probably still stable (for now).


Mail & Guardian Opinion Article
14 February 2022

The 2022 State of the Nation address (Sona) demonstrated just how desperate the government has become. The socioeconomic and political situation has deteriorated so badly that the president finds himself between a rock and a hard place.


Organisation and capacity of the South African state

City Press Opinon Article
23 December 2021

There are many explanations that have been given for the riots and looting we have witnessed. Some of the explanations have merit and some analyses are sound.

A bleak future is avoidable

City Press Opinon Article
18 July 2021

There are many explanations that have been given for the riots and looting we have witnessed. Some of the explanations have merit and some analyses are sound.

Confronting the unemployment conundrum requires government, private sector and unions to work together

Mail & Gaurdian Opinion Article
26 May 2021

The British economist John Maynard Keynes taught us many things about unemployment and economics.

Long-term solutions needed for South Africa’s higher education

Mail & Gaurdian Opinion Article
22 March 2021

Transforming the higher education sector in South Africa has a long way to go, although some ground is getting covered.


Africa must lead the way

Mail & Guardian
Thoughtleader Article
25 May 2020

The push towards not only a peaceful but a just world continues. Different modalities, strategies and tactics are being applied by those directly involved with this noble agenda...

An ideal economic response to COVID-19

Sunday Independent opinion article
26 April 2020

The health crisis that the world faces is essentially a global economic crisis. Soon the health challenge would be mitigated but the global economic crisis would worsen.

Thandika Mkandawire: a doyen of African economic development

The Star opinion article
31 March 2020

The incomparable pan-Africanist economic development thinker, teacher, mentor, friend and father has taken his last breath. Having started his career as a journalist, he rests at eighty years of age as the most renowned economist originating from Malawi. A

African Continental Free Trade Agreement and the future of regional economic communities

Mail & Guardian opinion article
8 March 2020 

It is curious that the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) has come into force ahead of the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement. There are also numerous free trade agreements, including those involving the regional economic communities, as well as customs unions and monetary communities.


Confronting inequalities in South AfricA

Pretoria News opinion article 21 November 2019

In the Preface of the recently launched 25 Year Review of South Africa’s democracy, President Ramaphosa says “we need a more informed basis to translate our vast resources into tangible socio-economic outcomes that change the lives of our people.”

South Africa needs more phd's

Daily Maverick opinion article 13 November 2019 

There is an interesting and troubling debate that seems to be bubbling under in South Africa when it comes to a PhD (Doctorate of Philosophy). It would be good that the debate in question comes to the surface and we engage robustly with those involved instead of sensitionalising the issue and leaving it to soundbites in social networks.

make the south african economy work for graduates

Mail & Guardian opinion article 9 November 2019

There is a lot of talk about the South African economy but not enough concrete economic policy recommendations. Even the treasury’s revised discussion document lists broad interventions in the economy, which are necessary, but are not policy

South Africa’s flipflopping developmental state journey

The Star Opinion Article
1 August 2019

Some argue that even in exile the liberation movement yearned for South Africa to become a democratic developmental state. A democratic developmental state can be viewed as a state that pursues higher levels of socio-economic development in a participatory manner, guided by a robust long-term plan.


City Press Opinion Article
26 May 2019

Now that we have voted, we can think better about the land question. Sober thoughts are critical in resolving the land and agrarian questions for South Africa. It is clear from the election results that the issue of land played an important role in voting: the Economic Freedom Fighters got substantial votes, the Democratic Alliance lost votes and the Freedom Front Plus gained traction.


Mail & Guardian Opinion Article
23 January 2019

Our society indeed has many things to celebrate, although a lot still to be concerned about. In the 25 years since the end of apartheid, as President Cyril Ramaphosa put it at the launch of the election manifesto of the ANC, “even as we celebrate the great benefits of democracy, we know that the promise of freedom is yet to be realised by so many of our people.”


There is no such a thing as inclusive capitalism.

Sunday Independent Opinion Article
22 July 2018

Barack Obama is indeed a great orator. His delivery of the sixteenth Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture was a marvel to witness at close range. Although he said many profound things and the sentiments many of us share, listening to him I still felt the same way as we marched to the United States and French embassies in Pretoria on 8 October 2011.


City Press Opnion Article
26 May 2018

There appears to be confusion about the future of South Africa. Often we discuss South Africa in a global context but forget about Africa. We think of the developments globally, and there is preoccupation with United States of America and Europe as well as China lately, and how these impact on South Africa.


Mail & Guardian Opinion Article
26 Jan - 01 Feb 2018

The winds of change are blowing in South Africa following the election last month of Cyril Ramaphosa as president of the ANC. There is a renewed sense of hope in our society and greater expectations again, similar to the levels we experienced in the 1990s.


Radical socio-economic transformation is bigger than inclusive growth

Mail & Guardian opinion article
02-08 June 2017

It is becoming clear that radical socio-economic transformation is bigger that inclusive growth. The government and the African National Congress (ANC), 

Africa remains in chains

Sunday Independent opinion article
21 May 2017

The second largest continent in the world, Africa has also become the world’s second most populous continent. As the late Nobel Laureate WangariMaathai put it, “Africa is one the richest continents on the planet and yet most African countries remain poor.”

Our Future is in Our Hands

City Press opinion article
07 May 2017

About 5 years ago, ThandikaMkandawire – the eminent Malawian economist – elaborated the point he had made in 2007, arguing that: “social compacts tend to survive if they are around substantive issues” and


Mail & Guardian Opinion article
24-30 January 2017

Oxfam International has released yet another illuminating report. Focusing on inequality, it confirms what most people know...



Mail & Guardian Opinion article
10-16 November 2016

The global economy remains in a severe crisis, one that in effect started in 2007. Reprieve is not near, hence its characterisation as the “great recession”.


City Press Opinion article
11 September 2016

The recent local government election surprised many who were not paying attention, but the results were largely predictable.


Mail & Guardian Opinion article
19-25 July 2016

The early 1990s were tricky, a fact that is easily forgotten. The fall of the Berlin Wall had major implications for many, if not all, political economies around the world.

Reconciliation remains a pipedream in South Africa

Mail & Guardian Opinion article
13-19 May 2016

As we celebrate 20 years of South Africa’s Constitution, it is obvious that we should reflect on what it stands for and whether the ideals it espouses, as well as the society it envisages, are still feasible goals...

Global goals ignore needs of the South

Mail & Guardian Opinion article
02-08 Oct 2015

The United Nations at its 70th session of the General Assembly and leaders the world over have endorsed the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),or Global Goals, as the post...

South Africa losing its way

Mail & Guardian Opinion article
02-08 Oct 2015

The ‘new’ South Africa has turned 21 years of age. Many things happen at this age and beyond. In the case of human beings, for instance, the proverbial golden key is symbolically given to those who have turned 21...

Radical economic transformation remains a pipedream

Mail & Guardian online article
19 Mar 2015

Although the Minister of Finance gave a promising 2015 Budget Speech, having listened to the President, responding to the 2015 State of the Nation debates, it would seem that something is amiss in the government’s understanding of radical economic transformation.

Time for a new vision for SA’s political economy

Sunday Independent opinion article
23 Nov 2014

The Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute and the Mapungubwe Institute recently co-convened a conference that dealt with the historical moments in the build-up to the democratic transition in South Africa,

An elusive South African nation: The national question revisited

City Press opinion article
12 Oct 2014

As South Africa celebrates 20 years of democracy, it is perhaps an opportune time to revisit the ‘national question’ again – by a ‘national question’, simplistically,

Time for South Africa to examine itself

The Star opinion article
17 Dec 2013

As we celebrate the life and times of the all-time larger-than-life, extraordinary and incomparable Tata Madiba, we are fittingly called upon to reflect on what has become of our country and the wider African continent.

Policy is constraining South Africa’s growth and development

Mail & Guardian article
23-30 Nov 2012

James Carvelle, Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign strategist, coined a phrase that remains pertinent the world over, especially in South Africa, when he said “the economy, stupid”. As we now paraphrase Carvelle’s phrase, “it is [indeed] the economy, stupid”.

What if the real ‘triple challenge’ confronting South Africa is a question of policies?

Mail & Guardian Article
17-24 Feb 2012

In his 2012 State of the Nation Address, President Jacob Zuma neatly captures post-apartheid South Africa’s most vexing societal and human development predicament when he said: “…